Published Paper Details:

Women's social position and protestant voice in selected short stories of Kavita Singha


Patriarchal view, Professional problems of women, Motherhood, Family position, Sex worker, Self-establishment, Economical independence of women, Protest for rights.

Kavita Singh was one of the literary figures of the fifties of the 20th century. Mainly known as a poet, her steps were also strong in the field of friction. As a woman, Kobita Singha’s childhood, domestic life and career were filld with varied experiences and toughchallenges. Tolerant of father's strong dominating character, bearer of mother’s unfulfilled dreams, ‘member of husband’s bureaucracy’, Kobita Singha has therefore time and again explored the current problems of girls in the society and ways to overcome them through struggle. Often in radical feminist perspectives, the issue of portraying women as opposed to patriarchy in literature or other media is entwined with ideological power struggles. But Kobita Singha has remained completely neutral in the construction of her female characters. As we see depicted in the works of Virginia woolf’s fan Kavita Singha, the dangerous condition of women in the society, torture, physical and mental exploitation; similarly, there is a form of artificial covering in the name of women's independence. Along with this, theirself - establishment, self - relience and rights acquisition, fierce protest against torture and strong confident voices were established through the struggle against all these adversities. At the time Kavita Singha wrote her literary works, modern feminism of the Western world had not yet awakened. Yet what interests us is how women in her stories have become aware of their position, able to express their own opinions and decisions, or at least try to do so. Therefore, in this article, we have tried to find the social position of women and the progressive tone of protest in the selected stories of Kavita Singha.


Paper ID : tirj/January23/article-15

Page No :  152-159

Published In :Volume 3, Issue 1

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 

E ISSN : 2583-0848

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License