Published Paper Details:



Detection, Police, Crime, Nineteenth Century, Bengal, Calcutta, Memoirs, Crime Fiction.

Crime is an Eternal Phenomena underlying beneath human civilization. It develops around human interest. It changes according to the evolution of society, culture and norms. As the civilization grows the relation between crime and punishment leads to a complex equation. But to punish anyone for a particular criminal act we need to detect his/her involvement in that crime at first. Police are the administrative instrument for that work. The first authority to conduct any legal investigation. Police may be get a confession from a suspect under police custody for a crime and according to all the evidence they prepare a charge sheet and produce him/her to the court for final punishment. To collect all that evidences they must get a clue or some important information to go through with the investigation. Born criminals are hard to crack. They are not willing to confess anything that goes against them. For this there are so many unique methods invented to break them. But sometimes it could be fatal for the suspect. There are not any fix rule or manuals for applying these and couple of baneful occasion it becomes a black mark on police administration.

In this article we are trying to find such examples and explore what are the possible reason behind this rigorous methodology? Are any worthy aspect or specific criminological background present against its defence?

We used several bengali article, novel and memoirs from nineteenth and twentieth century’s bengali literature to collect necessary proofs in respect of this article.      


Paper ID : tirj/January23/article-29

Page No :  259-266

Published In :Volume 3, Issue 1

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) : 

E ISSN : 2583-0848

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License